Dangerous Brazilian Butt Lifts Get a Makeover in Florida


In a first for plastic surgery, Pazmiño said, the bill mandates certain precautions when performing gluteal fat grafting. It went into effect on July 1. New clinics must have a health department inspection before being registered. Surgeons must meet patients in person at least a day before their scheduled procedure, and can’t perform BBLs on more than one patient at a time. Physicians must also use ultrasound to guide their cannula when fat grafting, and they may not delegate fat extraction or grafting to other staff.

14 jan 2024

Viktig information angående covid-19

På grund av covid-19 gäller följande på Carlanderska: Har du ett bokat besök till en enhet på Carlanderska är du välkommen via huvudentrén. Där behöver du visa upp din kallelse för en kontrollant som...

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Skönhetsbranschen utan kontroll

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Average age of women going under the knife is just 39

A Harley Street cosmetic surgeon says that the average age of women going under the knife is just 39 – down from 42 three years ago. Läs hela artikeln https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/plastic-surgery-women-average-age-falls-39-female-patients-harley-street-surgeon-a7816366.html While liposuction, tummy tucks,...

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