World Plastic Surgery Day, July 15

National Plastic Surgery Day to be celebrated as World Plastic Surgery Day

National Plastic Surgery Day will now be celebrated as World Plastic Surgery Day. The announcement was made in a statement released by the Association of Plastic Surgeons in India

The decision comes after the current President of the APSI, Dr Rakesh Khazanchi, spoke about the National Plastic Surgery Day’s success in India at the World Council of Leaders. It is a meeting of the Presidents of Plastic Surgery Associations of various countries, organised by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Appreciating the concept, all presidents agreed to celebrate July 15 as World Plastic Surgery Day.

The concept of National Plastic Surgery Day was first introduced by Dr S Raja Sabapathy, the President of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, in the year 2011. He conceptualised the idea of celebrating the day and chose July 15 as the appropriate date. Moreover, on the day of the inauguration in 2011, all the plastic surgeons in the country did one free surgery to help countless people, the APSI said in a statement.

Since then, every year on July 15, plastic surgeons across the country commemorate the day by doing free operations, conducting camps and awareness meetings, writing their experiences or starting new services. Every Plastic Surgeon on that day does something to increase awareness about the speciality.

Plastic surgery originated in India, and now, Indians can be proud once again as what started as the National Plastic Surgery Day in India will now be celebrated all over the world as the World Plastic Surgery Day, the APSI said in their statement.

The APSI also talked about how this medical science branch is often looked down on for its frivolous nature. They said, in the statement, that people see plastic surgery as a means of enhancing what one does not possess naturally. Many even consider it to be going against nature. However, it is more than that. The field is divided into Aesthetic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery.

14 jul 2021

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