Man kan förvänta sig att pandemi boomen för plastikkirurgi kommer att fortsätta.

Plastic Surgeons Predict the Most Popular Procedures for 2021

Pandemic-era cosmetic procedures continue to rise and surprise, and 2021 is shaping up to be, perhaps, the most unique year yet for the aesthetics industry.

To call 2020 an unpredictable year may be one of the biggest understatements of all time, and the aesthetics industry, in particular, experienced a rollercoaster of surprises. To start, elective surgeries were put on hold across the country while people simultaneously adopted a digital lifestyle, spending more time looking at themselves on camera than ever before, along with an almost entirely at-home existence.

So when plastic surgeons and dermatologists got the green light to reopen and resume elective procedures, the demand was off the charts — from former patients and newcomers alike, and across all ages. But as more of the country gets vaccinated and our daily lives evolve, do we dare make predictions about what 2021 may hold for the aesthetics industry? 

We asked four plastic surgeons and dermatologists about their most-requested procedures, how they are preparing for the year ahead, and if they anticipate the pandemic-spurred plastic surgery boom to continue.

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31 mar 2021

Microneedle RF behandling Nyhet !

Vi har nyss fått hem tekniken som hjälper mot finrynkighet spec kring munnen och ögonen, ytliga kärl och acneärr i ansiktet. Inga efter-besvär ! att jämföra med Laser där man har 1-2 veckors sjukskrivning....

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Plastikkirurgen: Klar tendens att unga influeras av sociala medier

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Viktig information angående covid-19

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